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Mirimiri / Romiromi Session 1.5 hr

1.5 hour One to One Private Session

1 h 30 min
200 New Zealand dollars
Corbans Estate Arts Centre|Mount Maunganui

Service Description

Mirimiri has become quite commonly known as a type of massage or Māori massage. My whakaaro is Mirimiri is the energetic exchange, so it covers everything unseen, the wairua aspect of the session. My work with Mirimiri: The initial part of the session including counselling / korero and connection to my client. Ngā tohu O te Tīnana: includes the scanning of the body, which identifies the blockages the client is carrying and what they relate to. O te Wairua: what the client is carrying energetically through their whakapapa, due to their environment and their trauma. O te Hinengaro: belief systems or behaviours that are learnt and need to be deconstructed and reframed. The takutaku (incantation) that protects the exchange in the one to one sessions and activates the space, so the session flows. Romiromi is the physical side of the session and covers the bodywork and everything to do with touch. My work with Romiromi: Accessing haemata (pressure points) throughout the body that stimulate pain, stress and trauma already accumulated and held within the cellular memory of the tissues. This mahi helps to release, realign and bring the person back into balance ā wairua, ā tīnana, ā hinengaro, ā ngakau accessed through the physical bodies. This work can be raw, and at times primal and is a powerful way to process our pain, trauma and emotion. Romiromi is the bodywork, using pressure points to release trauma, stress & physical pain sitting within the cellular memory of the body. It leads to aligning & rebalancing the client ā wairua, ā tinana, ā hinengaro. When booking you will be asked to share any mainstream medication you are currently taking (prescribed or not). Part of the reason I ask this question, is if people are medicated with anti-depressants their ability to tune into their own emotions to let go on the table can be challenging. This is an FYI for you and also so I can explain more about this in your session.

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